Clear Sky Academy (CSA) desires to assist all learners in the development of their academic and social skills to their full potential.
When learners make the right subject choices, develop all study skills and choose the most suitable career, the Sky is the Limit.
In South Africa, learners in Grade 9 have to choose their subjects for Grades 10, 11 and 12. To assist learners with this important decision, a school can make arrangements with a psychometrist or educational psychologist to conduct the DAT Form S battery of aptitude tests on either Grade 8 or Grade 9 learners. The individual reports prepared by the psychometrist or psychologist highlight the learners’ aptitudes in various areas and give them the opportunity to make wise, informed subject choices.
Since these registered HSRC psychometric tests are conducted by an independent professional registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (the HPCSA), the guidance provided is of the best available.
The core business of CSA comprises the following:
- If agreed with the school and the psychometrist, CSA sponsors these DAT Form S tests.
- By arrangement between CSA and the school, Grade 8 or 9 learners also complete our Study Skills Questionnaire, usually on the same day the DAT aptitude tests are conducted. These completed questionnaires are evaluated by the CSA franchise and during a one-on-one feedback session to a learner and his/her parents at the school, the advisor advises*4 them on the development level of the learner’s study skills. During these interviews, the advisor introduces the family to the CSA Study Skills course. If they are interested, the parents may then enrol the learner.
- Thirdly, we present our Study Skills course at the school. This course is aimed at the development of all study skills as evaluated on our Evaluation Graph and explained to the family during the interview.
- Our enrolled learners can also choose to either receive our Math CD or to receive the CD and complete our Career Choice Questionnaire as explained in our Programme Introduction pamphlet.
The Math CD helps learners understand the most important mathematical concepts by covering the CAPS*7 syllabus from grade 4 up to Grade 12, while the Career Choice reports give learners valuable guidance regarding careers to match their interests.

Franchise Summary:
- Location: National
- Property Required: None, classrooms provided by School
- Investment: Setup & training fee of R 90 000
- Franchise Fees:
- The management service fee (royalty fee) of R 5 000pm.
Franchises for Sale Enquiries:
On completing this form, an NDA and prospectus will automatically be emailed to you. If you need any more information on franchises for sale, please complete the NDA after which we will schedule an in person or remote session to answer all your questions.